
'Sample 1:  Print “WELCOME Message”
Public Function funcWelcome()
          MsgBox "WELCOME TO VB SCRIPT"
End Function

'Sample 2:  Display sum of 2 numbers”
Public Function funcSum()
          Dim intNo1, intNo2
          intNo1 = 2
          intNo2 = 3
          Sum = intNo1 + intNo2
          MsgBox "Sum of "& intNo1&", "& intNo2&" is "& Sum
End Function

'Sample 3:  Finding an Applicant eligible for applying for job or not
Public Function funcFindEligibleForApplyForJob()
          Dim intAge
          intAge = InputBox("Enter age of the Applicant")
          If intAge > 18 Then
                   MsgBox "You are eligible for applying Job"
          End If
End Function‘**********************************************************************************************

'Sample 4:  Find given number is even or odd
Public Function funcFindEvenOrOdd()
          Dim intNo
          intNo = InputBox("Enter which number you have to find even or odd number")
          If intNo Mod 2 = 0 Then
                   MsgBox "Given Number is "& intNo &" Even Number"
                   MsgBox "Given Number is "& intNo &" Odd Number"
          End If
End Function

'Sample 5:  Verify for Given Year is Leap Year or not
Public Function funcLearYearOrNot()
          Dim intYear
          intYear = InputBox("Enter which Year you have to find Leap Year or NOT")
          If intYear Mod 4 = 0 Then
                   MsgBox "Given Year is "& intYear &" Leap Year"
                   MsgBox "Given Year is "& intYear &" NOT Leap Year"
          End If
End Function

'Sample 6:  Find Simple Interest for given Principle, Time and Rate
Public Function funcSimpleInterest()
          Dim intPrinciple, intRate, intTime, intSimpleInterest
          intPrinciple = InputBox("Enter Principle")
          intRate = InputBox("Enter Rate")
          intTime = InputBox("Enter Time in Months")
          intSimpleInterest = (intPrinciple * intRate * intTime) / 100
MsgBox "Simple Interest for Principle :: "&intPrinciple&" :: Rate :: "&intRate&" :: Time ::"&intTime& " is ::: "&intSimpleInterest
End Function

'Sample 7:  Find Compond Interest for given Principle, Time and Rate
Public Function funcCompoundInterest()
          Dim intPrinciple,decRate,intTime,intNoOfTimesPerYear,intCompoundInterest
          intPrinciple = InputBox("Enter Principle")
          decRate = InputBox("Enter Rate in Decimal")
          intTime = InputBox("Enter Time in Years")
          intNoOfTimesPerYear = InputBox("Enter No. of Times per year")
          intCompoundInterest = (intPrinciple*(1+decRate/intNoOfTimesPerYear))^( intTime*intNoOfTimesPerYear)
    MsgBox "Compound Interest for Principle :: "&intPrinciple&" :: Rate :: "&intRate&" :: Time ::"&intTime& " :: No of Times per Year :: "&intNoOfTimesPerYear& " is ::: "&intCompoundInterest
End Function

'Sample 8:  Find biggest of 3 numbers
Public Function funcBiggestOfThreeNumbers()
          Dim intNo1, intNo2, intNo3
          intNo1 = InputBox("Enter Number 1")
          intNo2 = InputBox("Enter Number 2")
          intNo3 = InputBox("Enter Number 2")
          If intNo1 > intNo2 and intNo1 > intNo3 Then
                   MsgBox  intNo1 &" is Big"
          Else If intNo2 > intNo3 and intNo2 > intNo1 Then
                   MsgBox  intNo2 &" is Big"
                   MsgBox  intNo3 &" is Big"
          End If
          End If
End Function

'Sample 9:  Print “Even” numbers between the given range
Public Function funcPrintEvenNumbers()
          Dim intRange1, intRange2, intEven
          intRange1 = InputBox("Give start number for Range")
          intRange2 = InputBox("Give end number for Range")
          For intI = intRange1 to intRange2
                   If intI Mod 2 = 0 Then
                             MsgBox "Even Number "& intI
                    End If
End Function

'Sample 10:  Print “Odd” numbers between the given range
Public Function funcPrintOddNumbers()
          Dim intRange1, intRange2, intEven
          intRange1 = InputBox("Give start number for Range")
          intRange2 = InputBox("Give end number for Range")
          For intI = intRange1 to intRange2
                   If intI Mod 2 <> 0 Then
                             MsgBox "Odd Number "& intI
                    End If
End Function

'Sample 11:  Print “Factorial” for given number
Public Function funcPrintOddNumbers()
          Dim intNo, intFact
          intFact = 1
          intNo = InputBox("Give your number for Factorial")
          For intI = 1 to intNo
                   intFact = intFact * intI
MstBox "Factorial Value for "&intNo&" is "& intFact
End Function

'Sample 12:  Print Prime number up to given number
Public Function funcPrintPrimeNumbers()
          Dim intPrimeNoLimit
intPrimeNoLimit = InputBox("Give start number for Range")
For intI=1 to intPrimeNoLimit
   For IntJ=2 to round(intI/2)
           If intI mod IntJ=0 Then
               Exit for
           End If
   If IntJ=round(intI/2)+1 or intI=1 Then
           MsgBox "Prime No: "&intI
   End If
End Function

'Sample 13:  Display Factor for given number
Public Function funcFactorForGivenNumber()
          Dim intNo, intI
intNo = InputBox("Give number for which you want Factors")
For intI=1 to intNo/2
    If intNo mod intI=0 Then
        MsgBox "Factors for "&intNo&" are "&intI
    End If
End Function

'Sample 14:  Display Length of Given String
Public Function funcLengthOfString()
          Dim strString
strString = InputBox("Enter the String you want to find Length")
MsgBox "The Length of Given String "&strString&" Is "&Len(strString)
End Function

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